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Dr. Ming-Sound Tsao FRCPC, MD

CCTG Correlative Sciences and Tumour Biology Committee Chair

Dr. Tsao is a pathologist-scientist at the University Health Network (UHN) and professor of laboratory medicine and pathobiology at the University of Toronto. He is recognized globally as a leading lung cancer molecular pathologist whose research has significantly advanced the understanding and use of molecular information to improve the treatment of lung cancer. Dr. Tsao has been a generous contributor to the peer-review system in Canada, and is an outstanding teacher and mentor, dedicated to training the next generation of pathologists and clinicians in molecular and translational research.

"Biomarker discovery and validation are fundamental to moving us forward with a team effort in precision cancer therapy."

Research Interests

  • Understanding better the genomic and molecular abnormalities in lung and pancreatic cancer
  • Comprehensive analysis of tumors at gene sequence, gene copy number and proteomics levels
  • Development of patient-derived tumour models to study mechanisms of drug tolerance and resistance.

For a list of Dr. Tsao's publications, please visit PubMed