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Patient advocate Aldo DelCol awarded The Meritorious Service Medal

CCTG Lay Committee member of the Hematologic Disease Site Committee

Since being diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2002, Aldo has directed his attention to building an effective national platform to address the needs of the Canadian myeloma community. As part of this work Aldo founded Myeloma Canada, the only national non-profit organization focused on the needs of the Canadian myeloma community.

In 2009 he then became a patient advocate on the CCTG Hematologic Disease Site Committee, sharing the concerns and need of patients to scientists discussing trial needs and trial design. "My interest in being a lay representatives committee stems from the fact that I am a patient, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma hematological malignancy sixteen years ago and after I was diagnosed I frantically was looking for clinical trials and I stumbled across the CCTG,"

"It's very important that the patient voice be represented when clinical trials are being designed and the protocols developed  to include the perspective of the what the patient cares about, issues like quality of life for example."

In June Aldo was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada in recognition for his exceptional service to the community. The award recognizes his remarkable contributions to the community, making a positive difference through his advocacy work.

"We believe the patient voice needs to be included and heard on all issues that directly impact our life."

The actual award ceremony will be held later this year at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, at which time the Governor General will present Aldo with the Meritorious Service Medal