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GI Site Committee recognizes new investigator Daniel Breadner

CCTG GI disease site committee says thank you to Dr Breadner for his contribution to the CO.29 study as a new investigator by accruing a patient to a GIDSC trial for the first time, in November 2021

Dr. Dan Breadner is a medical oncologist and assistant professor at the London Regional Cancer Program and Schulich School of Medicine in London, Ontario, Canada. He completed his fellowship training in Translational and Thoracic Medical Oncology before joining the medical oncology group in London. Dr. Breadner treats thoracic and gastrointestinal malignancies. His research and academic interests are in (i) blood-based biomarkers; (ii) targeted therapy, including tumour agnostic applications; (iii) Neoadjuvant and window of opportunity (WOO) therapy. Dr. Breadner is a co-principal investigator of the OCELOT trial, which is a 200 patient multinational clinical trial testing third-line osimertinib in patients with advanced EGFR+ lung cancer. He is also the PI for a WOO study (ANSR-PDAC) examining the immunomodulatory effects of SBRT in patients with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

The committee is delighted to have him as part of the investigator community at CCTG and hope that this will be the beginning of a mutually rewarding collaboration.